No Masternodes?

Lower costs for our investors

Masternodes, in many coins, offer no service to the chain. They're just a way for presales to try to sell lots of coins and forget the smaller investors. We wanted to give small investors the same opportunity as large investors AND we wanted to avoid our community having to pay unnecessary VPS costs
If you would like to know more about the rewards you can earn from staking or cold staking please check our links page, Vaultwatch hold this information.

Better security and less risk!

With so many shared-masternode services being hacked over the years, we wanted to avoid coin-holders having the temptation to send their coins to services to increase ROI. With 100% of rewards being allocated to stakers, and cold-staking possible with PWRB, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for anyone to risk sending their coins to any service. Instead, they can cold stake and avoid the risk of a service to which they have entrusted their coins getting hacked. Of course, some of these services have, or will, reimburse user loses - but why take the risk if it's avoidable with PWRB.